2022 Events
FEBRUARY – Super Bowl is in Los Angeles, February 13th
10 am - 2 pm
Cigars, Networking and Football at ASH LA
Monday, 7th, 5pm-9pm
PROSPEAK “Honoring Women in Sports” w/Believe In You
Tuesday, 8th, 5pm – 7pm
PROSPEAK "VIP Reception” w/The K.I.N.G. Movement
Wednesday. 9th, 5pm – 7pm
Athletes in Art featuring Ed White, Jeffery Stephson, Kevin Lynch and Arnie Costell
Thursday, 10th (Marina Del Rey, CA)
30th Annual Watkins Award for scholar-athletes presented by the NAAAA
Friday, 11th, and 12th (Washington, D.C.)
eSiPitch Athletes + Tech + Business + Pitch & Networking Event
Friday, 11th, 11 am - 3 pm
(Washington, D.C.) during the 30th Annual Watkins Award Weekend)
May 6 - 7, 2022
Athletes in Cannabis
New York / New Jersey Region
For sponsorship information email
rgrant@esportsinstruction.com, or call 323 503 5675