On the HopIn Platform
A Virtual Event is adding technology with enhanced features to our lives which will give you a global approach.
This is a great opportunity for us and business owners wishing to gain exposure, attract new readers/customers, gain new customers, make sales, and expand your bottom line—more profits via our “Virtual Platform.” Conducting business virtually is the “new way” of interacting and doing business.
During a Virtual Event, you are at home, sitting at your computer showcasing your product/services. The participants are at home on their computer and when they join the HOPIN’s sign-in, they can visit the vendor's booths, attend seminars, listen to stage presentations, visit the reception/networking sessions and etc.
Here is how it works:
HopIn is like the Zoom Platform but with more features:
Hopin is Zoom on steroids - Where simultaneously you can visit and experience a Reception area, the Main Stage, Breakout Sessions, one on one Networking, and an Expo area for business and exhibitors.
For companies and presenters:
1. You can place a picture of your products onto your banner/stand behind you and the viewers will be able to see it.
2. You can have a PowerPoint Slide Presentation that shows your product/service.
3. You can have a Video that loops (Playing over and over)
4. You can have up to 5 people in your booth space, they will be seen in your booth even though they are in their own home. They can be in a different city etc. (This is high tech)
5. The participants can see you, but you cannot see them. They can hear every word that’s spoken in your booth.
6. There is a monitor in your booth that will show you when and how
many participants are watching you.
The similarity is this: In a face-to-face booths event, you are standing or sitting behind your table, when a participant comes to your table, you will give them information about your product or do a sale pitch with the intent of selling a product on the spot.
Embrace the change.